Myth busting Green Energy
The UK’s fuel mix remains heavily dependent on fossil fuels, with less than 40.8%(in 2022) coming from renewable sources we must accept that at least in the short term a lot of our Energy is brown. The global NZC mandates and opt-in accreditations have put ‘Green’ energy on top of every energy manager's agenda however everyone can’t be green until we decarbonise the grid more as well as implement more Energy reduction strategies. This means that a lot of Green Energy in the UK is washed using REGO certificates, this means that you’re paying a premium to claim a portion of Green Energy that is benign generated and pumped into the grid but you are not contributing to the creation of new Green Energy.
We provide enhanced support to help you manage your energy strategy from your consumption to accessing renewables. With transparent data, sleeving, and green energy sources we make it easier for you to set and achieve sustainability and budget goals. Whether you’re interested in on-site or off-site Energy or you simply don’t know where to start we can help you figure it out.
Sleeved Energy is a type of PPA. A PPA is a bilateral contract for renewable Energy from a specific source. The Energy from that power source, like a wind farm, goes into the UK Grid but the electricity supply to the customer corresponds directly to the Electricity generated by that specific source.
When customers generate Energy to be used off site it is common for a supplier to buy that exported Energy at one rate and sell the customer the Energy that it needs at market rate.
This can be the case if you are investing in a co-operatively owned renewable asset or if you are generating large amounts of your own Energy via e.g solar assets that exceeds your on site demand.
The export value of power is usually lower than the value of the power that is realised when the customer consumes it directly on site and the Unify Energy model enables customers to benefit from more of that value of power it generates offering Grid top up for any additional Energy required or buying back any excess that the customer cannot use. These types of services are usually offered to larger users exclusively but at Unify Energy these solutions are available to SME’s too.